Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Week 3

This past week has been great! It was less stressful and fun. A highlight of my week is that I now know every students name. Another highlight is that one student has been calling me Miss H and one student corrected him saying my name was Miss Wyman. The boy looked at me and said I thought that your name was Miss H. We came to the conclusion that he got that because when I first introduced myself I said my last name was like saying “Why Man?” just spelled without the H. He asked if he could still call me Miss H, 8th graders make life fun.

Something that made me think differently is that some kids can tell you everything they need to know but don’t want to do the work because something else is on their mind. I learned that if I just ask any question they will usually tell you what they need to say and after that they seem to focus so much better and actually do their work. I am learning real quick that just talking sometimes can make all the difference.

One thing I learned was that when working with messy labs is to keep all the labs on the outskirts of the room and not crammed at their desks. The more that the middle of the room can be clear of people the less mess you have. Another thing I learned that I wasn’t expecting was that if you ask the student to stand up and do 5 jumping jacks to get their blood flowing to their brains is that they will actually do it and appear more alert. I will definitely incorporate that into my future lessons.

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